Helping testers to get the maximum out of exploratory sessions with a handy noting tool where one can format, timestamp, share, and debrief documents

Helping testers to get the maximum out of exploratory sessions with a handy noting tool where one can format, timestamp, share, and debrief documents
Our client has reached out with the idea of building an instrument for comfortable documentation, sharing, and debriefing of the exploratory testing sessions.
The goal was to balance the volume of the testing work with the amount of time testers spend documenting their progress.
The key was to make the product easily capture and debrief the complexity of testers’ ideas, insights, and commentaries.
SOLVVE has come up with a web-based solution that allows users to write down notes about the testing process, plan each step of it, review and debrief results.
From the initial idea of drag-and-dropping images into the browser, TestBuddy went through several iterations at SOLVVE and is now capable of adding and editing time-stamped text as well as label the paragraphs with predefined icons.
It can also be integrated with JIRA issues to generate reports.
Java, Jira SDK. OSGi, Javascript, JQuery